Saturday, December 1, 2012

Thank God for the rescue squad!

For a long time I worried about other people all the time. I worried about myself too, but I had the worries of others lodged deeply in my spirit. I began to worry that if I died, pictures of other people's lives would flash before my eyes. Whenever I left a lover, I worried about how he'd fare without me, so I would leave behind the things I loved-- things I thought would help him make it through. That sounds pretty arrogant, but life taught me early that I have what I need to handle whatever life brings. I always know I will  be okay-- even if I have to part with some things along the way. That's how I know I'm a warrior.  I have started my life all the way over four times.

This all crossed my mind this morning, and it dovetailed with a thought I had yesterday while driving down the street and a firetruck whizzed by me.

People are stronger than I have given them credit for being. The same resources I have in my spirit reside in them; they just have to decide to use them. Their lives are not made better by my concern. They are made better by choices they make. No matter how much we love and care about another person, we will never control their minds, and therefore we will never control their lives. So when you're troubled and frazzled because you are worried about friends, lovers, husbands, wives, even children and parents, remember, you will never live their lives for them. And being a martyr will never make your life any better.

So my tip on this chilly Saturday morning, is to live your life. Be the (peaceful) warrior you need to be to make a good life for yourself. And do what you can for your loved ones within reason, because things can definitely get out of control for people. And when they do, know that you can't save them. Just thank God for the rescue squad!


  1. Hi Ange,
    Sometimes the rescue squad is just a prayer.

  2. Great reminder, Angela! I was donating blood today and two people there were discussing their careers in health care and they agreed that working in trauma care would be very fulfilling. I told them I was glad they felt that way because it was a job I could never do. So, yes, thank god for them and now I'll get back to what I do best!

  3. Hi Angie! This is so in sync with what I've been dealing with this weekend. As much as I want to look after and protect my loved ones, I realize that we are all on our individual journey for spiritual growth. And like you said, they are equipped with all the knowledge needed, we just have to hold them up in prayer and know the truth for them.

  4. And what say you Bernard? What is it like being married to such a profound and inspirational woman?:) Keep moving your insight forward Angie, it's always right on target with our spirit.


What are your thoughts? I look forward to hearing from you.