Sunday, October 14, 2012

Keeping your energy level high when you're so tired you could drop

People are tired! Life is so busy. Sometimes I want to think that nobody could possibly be as tired as I feel on a given day. Then I ask myself if I'm serious. There are people with five kids and a full-time job, so I pull myself together. That's when I sort of tap into my intuition and ask my body what it needs to keep going. It will usually tell me. This is our State Fair weekend, so on top of everything else-- writing, laundry, shopping, cleaning, and cooking, there is also walking through miles of thousands of people inching their way through the deafening sounds of tractor pulls and bullhorns, and rides, and the screams of terrified and elated children for several hours. (Because going to the fair is not an in-and-out kind of party).

So I ask my body and it says, "Fish head stew and greens." So I comply. I go to my fish market and buy a salmon head and stew it with onions, garlic, thyme, lime, and cayenne peppers and scallions from my doorstep garden. I steam a pan of kale. Yes, it's a bit slimy, but it has the absolute highest vibration food wise, and my body seems to grow lighter and calmer as I get to the end of the bowl. (That's my pot of stew in the picture.)

Bottom line is, I made it through the fair. We got home at midnight; I was in bed by 1 a.m. Now I will have a small bowl and head down to see Maya Angelou get inducted into the North Carolina hall of fame.

So my energy-raising tip is to ask your body what it needs. Then respond to it!

1 comment:

  1. You are sooo right Angie. We just have to stop long enough to get quite and LISTEN to what ou rbody needs. Most times, by the time we head off to the doctor we have already missed signs that our bodies have been trying to give us.
    Thank you for reminding me to Stop, Listen and Learn. We really do have all of the answers inside!


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