Saturday, July 11, 2020

Commit to your well-being

With an ongoing pandemic and an unsettling racial climate, staying grounded is more important than ever. My mind reels with conversations I'd like to have with everyone from careless socializers to panicking parents to Trump (I refuse to call him a president because he cusses in public and uses language that's barely fitting for a school boy.)

So today I recommit to meditate regularly. Not for a string of days until I feel more settled. But as a practice. Like brushing my teeth and washing dishes. Whenever I meditate, life works better for me. Insights come out of the blue. Interactions feel more harmonious. My Spirit settles peacefully into present moments throughout my day, and I'm happier. 

No matter what's going on in the world, you have to make YOURSELF strong enough to make it through. 

What practice benefits you and improves the quality of your life?

1 comment:

  1. Staying in the present moment benefits me as well as starting each day by grounding and centering myself before I start my day.


What are your thoughts? I look forward to hearing from you.